Youth Engagement: Beyond the Classroom - YEBEC

In an era of environmental challenges and climate change, the urgency of raising awareness of the environment and active

participation among young people cannot be overstated. “Youth Engagement: Beyond the Classroom” is a dynamic and

innovative project that strives to empower and equip youth workers with the required competencies to foster and elevate

environmental responsibility among young people aged 13-30 years old.

Main objective:

Our primary objective is to collaboratively develop and implement an innovative methodology, in partnership with

organisations from two distinct countries. This methodology serves as a transformative tool, empowering youth workers

within these countries to ignite environmental engagement among young people.

Direct Objectives:

Develop the YEBEC methodology collaboratively with partner organisations from different countries. This methodology will

incorporate elements of environmental awareness, values education, non-formal education, and language immersion.

Provide comprehensive training to 18 youth workers, including teachers, outdoor educators, motivated volunteers who work

with youth and at least 5 youth workers with fewer opportunities. They will be equipped with competencies required to

effectively implement the YEBEC methodology and engage young people.

Foster a positive attitude toward environmental awareness and sustainability among at least 70 young individuals aged 13

to 30. Empower them to take an active role in addressing environmental challenges through the application of the developed


Concrete Outcomes:

*18 youth workers are trained to effectively implement the YEBEC methodology in their country.

* At least 70 young individuals increase environmental awareness and their positive attitudes towards the environment

through the use of the methodology.

* A YEBEC methodology digital booklet is created to spread environmental awareness through non-formal education for

youth workers, schools, summer camps, or anyone who is interested.


NewPa foi concebido com a esperança de inspirar mudanças, como uma busca por Novos Caminhos em direção ao respeito e responsabilidade ambiental. ​Para isso, criamos um projeto de imersão linguística em espanhol, educação em valores e consciência ambiental.

Os membros da Roes Coop têm uma neurose comum em relação a abordagens inovadoras de educação não formal. Este impulso tornou-se a sua bússola ao mesmo tempo que definia a visão e a missão da nossa empresa.