Empowering Young Children to Act on Climate Change
Empowering Young Kids to Act on Climate Change
The project aim to raise awareness of teachers in pre-school institutions about climate change and to establish a strategy and toolkit through effective tools for young children such as games and drama, and to develop the ability to adapt and take precautions against climate change. Moreover we will start a partnership for future activities and get more experience about Erasmus + opportunities.
The main activities of the project are:
3-day climate change adaptation and sustainability training course in Finland;
5-day creative drama and play-based learning training course for adaptation to climate change in Turkey;
Climate change education toolkit for educators;
Climate change adaptation and sustainability in kindergartens Policy document;
2-day project meeting in Portugal;
Online dissemination activity and other local dissemination activities run by all partners.
Results expect of the project:
1- Preparation of Climate Change Education Toolkit
2- 'Children Act on Climate Change' Policy for Kindergartens
3- Short videos shot during training courses and meeting
4- Online dissemination activity
5- Planted trees to reduce carbon print during travels.
6- Certificates and signature lists
7- A partnership and network
8- Experience on Erasmus +
9- Know more about climate change education
28.Fevereiro.2023 / February 28, 2023
17h / 5 PM
Empowering Young Children to Act on Climate Change
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Recomendações de Regulamentos para Educação Climática
Empowering Young Children to Act on Climate Change - 2021-2-FI01-KA210-SCH-000051088

Manual de Educação Climática para Educadores da Primeira Infância
Empowering Young Children to Act on Climate Change - 2021-2-FI01-KA210-SCH-000051088